Having said that, let's talk about the things that annoy me. The things that I could just ignore, but they annoy me so much that I feel the need to write about them. And the nifty thing is, you too can ignore what I write if it annoys you! The Internet is truly a marvelous place to be.
Ah yes....those quotes. They are my number one annoyance. People who post all those nuggets of wisdom, those pearls of inspiration, those jewels of knowledge....come on now, you're crafting an image of yourself that isn't you. You want us to think its you, but it isn't. And besides all that, no one reads that stuff and then suddenly changes their lifestyle.
Oh. You quoted from the Dalai Lama? Ohhhhh...you're so deep and profound. Day after day after day. Even the Dalai Lama himself wasn't that profound. He did say this though:
Have you read that? It's very profound, I see it on various Facebook walls at least once a week. But guess what? The Dalai Lama never said that. Yup, it's it's true. People get so moved by something that someone else posted that they quickly get motivated to share it themselves without actually believing it or practicing it or living it...but they are crafting their image. To who? I don't know, but it doesn't work when I see what you've posted. I already know you, remember? You know what's inspirational to me? Seeing pictures of you and your family having fun, doing everyday, ordinary "fun" things. Your achievements are interesting to me, I don't need you to post someone else's viewpoint, I admire you for being you, not for copying a strangers meme.
Post funny things! Things that make us laugh! The world is sad enough as it is, we all see the news and hear the latest scandal. We need humour in our lives! Or, alternatively, post something that bothers you or infuriates you, but be willing to discuss it without resorting to name calling and stomping off in a huff and going home with your ball.
The other annoying Facebook thing is those that post scripture. Now, first of all, I have four Facebook friends that I know who truly believe in god, they pray to him and it gives them comfort, and as far as I know, they really do live their life according to their beliefs. I think if you really believe in god and get comfort from your faith, that's a marvelous thing, and I am truly happy for you. It's not hurting anyone and if it brings joy to you...then I'm all for it. You are not the ones I am referring to in the next paragraph.
Religion is a personal thing. Now, I love to discuss religion, the various types, what I believe and why, and what others believe and why. But Facebook isn't the place to spout your platitudes if you can't back them up or if you get offended when I comment. I mean, when you post something on Facebook, you've done so because you want your friends to see it. Duh. That's a given. If you don't want comments on it, then don't post it. Simple. Or unfriend me. And that would make me sad because I only have you as a Facebook friend because I consider you a friend in real life too. And friends don't always agree on every single thing. Especially religion. I believe that religion causes wars and arguments and unhappy events. And if you unfriend me because of my comments...well, the proof is in the pudding isn't it?
Which brings me to the people that send their prayers to the families and loved ones of the latest catastrophe. *huge sigh* I don't get it. Praying does no good. Think about it...let's use the flight from Malaysia as an example. The minute that plane crashed, the people were dead. No amount of praying could change that. They were dead before we even knew they were missing. All the prayer in the world is not going to raise 232 people from the dead. So all those prayers were useless. As are all prayers in a death. A person is either dead or not dead. Praying will not change that.
Someone said to me that their god has his reasons for doing what he does, and he does not make mistakes. Not ever. He is perfect, or infallible. So, if that's the case, if his plan is already in place, then why even pray? What's going to happen can't change, since if he changed his mind, then that means his original plan was wrong, and apparently he can't be wrong or make a mistake. So why pray? Just ride it out.
And besides that, I don't think god reads your Facebook Wall. If he did, don't you think those kids that need a wheelchair, or some prosthetic limbs or a family would miraculously get one without human intervention...at least once? Actually, never mind prosthetic limbs, how about growing a whole new limb? Why does that never happen? Of all the supposed miracles that your god performs, why, in the past 2000 years, has limb regeneration never been a single miracle? Or surviving being dead for a few weeks...or months...or years....why aren't those things ever miracles? These are the kind of things I like to talk about, but someone always gets offended.
So many Facebook rants that I haven't even touched upon. Selfies in general, but particularly bathroom selfies. Just stop it. You're not a teenage girl. And if you are, stop it anyhow. Asking me to sign petitions. If you're so concerned about your cause, get off your ass, print it the petition and go door to door and get real signatures and be involved in the issue. The "drama status". You're posting things like "omg....grrrrrr.." and "I don't know what to do" and "worst day ever". You want sympathy? Ask for it...I'll be more than happy to sympathize with you, but don't play the "ask me whats wrong" game.
So there ya go. My take on the Facebook that I love so much.