Monday, January 31, 2011

Led Zeppelin said it best..."We come from the land of the ice and snow..."

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

My favorite new piece of technology is this Kindle. I'm not really one for new and modern items, I still eschew cell phones, although I can more and more see their place in certain peoples lives. I can't get the hang of the place-finder thing...what's it called? In your vehicle? It escapes my mind right now, but you know what I mean, however I really need to get mine set up and working because I do have quite the knack for getting lost. Of course, I get lost while on foot, not in my vehicle, thus the lackadaisicle effort in hooking it up.
But, I am digressing. I am here to wax poetic about the Kindle. I am a very tactile person, and I love books...the actual book, I love to touch them, smell their booky-scent and above all, to read them. I love to flip the pages and close them as I ponder the adventures yet to come in the pages unturned. So, for me to love my Kindle is something that sort of surprises my family and friends.
I love that I can download a book in less than a minute, and as I read it it, I can take notes, look up definitions of new and unknown words, I can see what passages other readers have thought memorable and I can even quickly send highlighted passages to my Facebook or Twitter accounts. (I don't Twitter, but I could if I wanted to....)
I love that there are thousands and thousands of free books, many of them classics that I always mean to read, but I never quite get around to it. Now I can download them in seconds and read them whenever (and where ever) I get a moment. Posted by Picasa
I love that I can hold 3,500 books in the palm of my hand.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Little Miss Gypsy

The death of a dog is not a trivial thing. I am finding the loss of Gypsy to be much more poignant and upsetting than I had possibly imagined. To think that I am now living in a world without her seems hard to believe.
I was going to write an eulogy of sorts, but the words just won't flow properly, so I'll just put up this picture, which is one of my favorites.
Gonna miss you , my little Gyps.
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Thursday, January 06, 2011

Signs of Christmas.
A new Christmas item is the sushi that my friend from South Korea makes me...mmmm~~
Kids are home.
Ornaments are up; both new & old
It snows real snowflakes.
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Sunday, January 02, 2011

Little things.

I was just wandering through the house today, trying to look at things with new, fresh eyes. Can you even guess what these items are?
Remember to click on each picture twice to enlarge them even more.
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