Thursday, February 24, 2011

Open for business, sure, but how do get there?
Snow tunnels being put to good use.
Click on this one twice to see the full beauty. It was a spectacular day!
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Above, the house. Below, Linnea getting ready for her first snow machine ride.

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Inside, Chino knew he wasn't allowed on the furniture, so he just sat and looked mournfully into the distance.
Sloooowly working his way up.
"If I stay really still, maybe no one will see that I'm up here..."
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We went to Revelstoke last week for a 2 day Min-Vacay...and all I can say is that I'm sure glad that Shane got there first and shovelled a way into the house! He had to get his snow machine out of the above shed....a little bit of sweat and swearing there,I assume.
I've never seen snow that totally covered the kitchen window before.
No one even attempted to get into the attatched garage.
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Friday, February 04, 2011


So I have fallen in love with my Kindle, as you may know by now, but I have had some trouble with it freezing up. Not during use, but when I "put it to sleep" and then later, when I go to read some more, it sometimes has frozen. It only takes a minute to restart, and nothing gets lost or deleted, but you know that something isn't right. I was really hoping I didn't have a lemon.

I Googled "frozen Kindle 3" and to my amazement, found all sorts of forums and boards for Kindle users, and a lot of the folks who have the Kindle 3 (which I have..."The Latest Generation", making it sound like a Star Wars movie.) Anyhow, many of these owners were voicing their despair in the freezing of their Kindles. "Hmmm" I mused to myself, "I think there is something rotten in the state of Denmark." So I perused all these forums and came to understand that there is something not quite right with the "unlighted leather Kindle cover." It clips into the Kindle, you can see the little hook things, and there are corresponding holes in the Kindle itself, and they all hook together securely so you have a cover for your Kindle.

However, it seems that somehow, there is a connectivity (pretty certain that's the wrong word) problem, and something to do with metal hooks and computer parts and the gee-gaw connecting to the widget sends wrong messages to the motherboard.

So, they said, so, phone Kindle Support, and they'll credit you $60 and send you a new and better leather cover, with a built in light.

"Pshaw" I thought to myself, "That ain't ever gonna happen".

So I found the phone number, called them at 11:30 at night, listened to a robot tell me that my wait time would be less than a minute ("pshaw" I thought again, "as IF.")

And in a minute or less, a real woman answered, and as I told my tale of woe, she clicked her magic computer fingers and a credit of $60 appeared on my Amazon account, and she led me through the process of ordering a new (burgundy coloured) lighted Kindle cover. As well as a $10.00 credit since I will have to pay a $10.00 shipping & handling fault of theirs, it's a cross border shopping problem.

So Hoorah! for Amazon...that was customer service above & beyond. Yes, if their original covers are causing troubles, of course they should be taken care of, but it was handled quickly, and I get a better cover, and I get a real person who was nice and spoke English (yes..we've run this route before, and it's my blog, and if I despise outsourcing, then I can say so.) And, there is no returning of the old cover, there is no looking up invoices, it was all done with the utmost professionalism.

So three cheers for Amazon.

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Only her shadow knows....

Look closely......"only her shadow knows..."
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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Something new

I have always wondered what a dragonfruit was like, so I finally broke down and bought one yesterday. That makes it sound like it was a massive, huge amount of money; I "broke down and bought one", but it was $2.47, which is sort of a lot of money for one piece of fruit.

To me it looks like something Spielberg-ish, or James Cameron-ish, a "thing" that someone finds, and it eventually either comes to life and burrows it's way into your innards, or you have to help it find its way back to the depths of the ocean.

In either case, I decided that it would be better off if I sliced it open and ate it. So, after a bit of Google-ing, I sliced it in half and scooped out the insides. I guess it's like a cross between a kiwi and a very bland strawberry...sort of crunchy (the seeds) and pulpy. Not a lot of flavour, I think it would be especially nice diced up and added to a fruit salad.

If nothing else, it certainly is beautiful.

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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

3 reasons to stay home.

Things that are good about today: I can look outside and watch this amazing bluebird who has been hanging around all morning.

It's Feb 1st, so that means it's Calendar Flipping Day at my house! I have about 13 calendars, I'm a bit addicted to them, ever since my mom bought me my very first "real" one when I was about 12. Not a bank freebie calendar, but one with stickers...and I was hooked. I still have that one somewhere, I should go and dig it out and see what things I have written and noted on it. Every year, ever since then, my Mom and I made a point of finding a special calendar to buy for each other at Christmas. Sometimes we lived in tiny airforce bases in the middle of nowhere, and it wasn't always easy to find a decent one, but we always managed.

The year that I was hooked on The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings (ahhh, yes children, that was years before the movies were even dreamed of...)she managed to find an amazing one with visions of Gollum and Frodo. The year I read Watership Down, she found one with dreamy, watercolour-style pictures.

And one year it was maps...ancient maps, maps from the 1400's with "Here there be dragons" and "terra incognito" in places that i would someday go.

*sigh* The notations are little slices of life, Shane's first tooth, Scott's first step, doctor appointments, and birthdays. Births of babies, deaths of loved ones. Anniversaries and messages to take out the garbage and pay a the taxes. Buy insurance.Weddings and funerals. The good and the bad, all marked down there, year after year after year. My calendars are a journal of my life.

Well, this turned into an ode to calendars, I tend to sidetrack and digress so easily.

The other good reasons to stay home today? I can read my Kindle, which has a newly downloaded Stephen King that I haven't read yet (he's my favorite author, well, him and Agatha Christie.) And if I don't feel techno-savvy, I can read the tried and true hardcover of his that I also have.

It's a good day just to be here.

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