Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sort of a creepy day...

We woke up to a beautiful and sunshiny day, and with no pressing chores to do, we decided to take the side-by-side for a drive. I packed a little box lunch, and off we went. We drove for an hour or so, and then decided to take a stroll, I wanted to get some spring-ish photos. 

The wildflowers and wild strawberries were bursting out of the earth.

And nothing is a prettier shade of green than the new needles of a tamarack tree

We ran into  a small herd of elk, looking somewhat scruffy as they lose their winter hair.

We strolled along, enjoying the peace and quiet, and the lush feeling of spring.

And then, we came across a small and shaded circle of trees, and in that circle were bones. Artfully arranged bones. Remember we were not near a road, nor even near a regular path. We were halfway to nowhere on a tiny deer trail. It was pretty creepy, and I was glad it wasn't nighttime.

This didn't die like this, crows and coyotes and other scavengers will quickly remove all signs of a carcass, these bones were put back together by someone with two legs. 

Every tree had something hanging on it, and the large "fully boned" animal was in the centre. There were skulls from deer, elk, and cows. Most unusual.  I wouldn't want to be there for the ceremony.