But anyhow, I have almost a dozen pairs of her shoes, some brand new, that don't even fit me. I couldn't get rid of them before because they seemed so much a part of her. (Plus they are super expensive) She loved to walk and explore her surroundings and I couldn't bear to have someone else's feet in her shoes, walking through dirt and dust and not being my mom, nor could I throw them away. So they sat in my closet for the last 17 years. I looked at them now and then and tried them on and sometimes even wore a pair when walking wasn't on the agenda (weddings, dinners and yes, funerals). But today is the day. I actually feel sick to my stomach, but I am taking them to the thrift store. Most of them. I'm keeping a brand new pair of Bass Saddle shoes and a nifty vintage dressy pair. And some Italian sandals that do fit. But that's all. And maybe the pumps...no, no the pumps. Maybe the...no....no more. Enough.
Her jewelry of course stays, it's not expensive but she loved to scour the thrift stores and second hand stores and find brooches and pins, she had really eclectic taste and I love to wear her finds.
I also have her totally awesome trench coat that I've been wearing around the house today. Collar up. Belt tied. Very Mata Hari. Put my hand in the pocket and felt the crunch of paper....a secret note? An assignment? No, just a tiny shopping list that sort of broke my heart. A dinner never made.
My mom embroidered me this gnome when I was about 14 years old....hmmmm....did she have a premonition of who I'd marry? (Cause for those that don't know my husband....he kinda looks like this!)
Anyhow. Off to the thrift place before I change my mind.