Hmmm, I may have found another picture hidden in the depths of various document and folders. I will just try to download it here and see if it works. If it works, you'll see Steven and I when we were in Arizona this summer. This was waaaaay above Sedona, about 9500 feet above!
Why is everything so expensive? Why can I not be rich? I had 2 more shots today, the second Hep B from that series and a typhoid also. That came to another $60.00. Then, the health nurse mentioned that I really should consider cholera as well, which comes in tandem with a diarrhea med (yeah, always nice to not have diarrhea while on holiday...) but that's another $80.00. I'll have to think about that one, but you KNOW I'll end up getting that one too.Then I went to have my eyes checked, which was $30.00, although that made me happy because it should have been $75.00 (lousy BC Government anyhow) I went to a new place (because they give Airmiles, and anything free is worthwhile!) He looked at my eye history and said that since I had had 2 eye surgeries I was entitled to a discount on the $75.00. The guy I usually go to had never bothered to check that out, so this new guy has a patient for life now. However the new glasses are just over $600.00, which made the $45.00 savings on the check up seem like a moot point. I came home and checked out our Health Care Plan, and they pay $250.00 for vision care once every 24 months, and of course it hasn't been 24 months since I last got new glasses (this whole getting older thing simply sucks...eyes shouldn't change in less than 2 years, bad enough that the hair turns grey, the ass gets a mind of it's own and the flab under my arms keeps waving long after my hands have stopped, now my eyes grow weak as well?) However, it will be 24 months in January so I'll just wait and get new ones when I come back from my holiday. Really, my luck I 'd get new ones before we leave and I'd lose them in a wildebeest stampede. That's the travel update for now!
I had my first comment on my blog today, thanks Pauline, I feel like such an author now! 82 more days to go until I leave Cranbrook, I think I am pretty organized until I realize that we haven't even booked any rooms yet, we have to wait at least another week until Nicole finds out which hospitals (and when) she'll be going to. Now it looks like she'll be going to Jo'burg for 3 or 4 days and I'll be going to Zanzibar. I spent yesterday doing a bit of research for Zanzibar and it just seems so exotic, it will definately be the most "foreign" place I have been to so far. I get my final innoculation tomorrow and then it's just a matter of making a doctors appointment and getting malaria meds. The shots were the Hep A and B series, tetanus, typhoid, yellow fever and diptheria.
Well this is my first entry and this is the only picture I have! Our computer had a complete nervous collapse and I lost all the pictures that I had, which, granted, were not many, but this is the lone snap that remained. Just goes to show the tenacity of pitbulls! (and is he not a gorgeous one???)I am just checking out this whole blog thing to see how it works and to get the hang of it so that when I take my holiday in AFRICA, I can write about it here, and post photos for you all. You may care, you may not, but it will all be here for your reading pleasure, the good, the bad and the expensive.