Sunday, October 16, 2005

I had my first comment on my blog today, thanks Pauline, I feel like such an author now! 82 more days to go until I leave Cranbrook, I think I am pretty organized until I realize that we haven't even booked any rooms yet, we have to wait at least another week until Nicole finds out which hospitals (and when) she'll be going to. Now it looks like she'll be going to Jo'burg for 3 or 4 days and I'll be going to Zanzibar. I spent yesterday doing a bit of research for Zanzibar and it just seems so exotic, it will definately be the most "foreign" place I have been to so far.

I get my final innoculation tomorrow and then it's just a matter of making a doctors appointment and getting malaria meds. The shots were the Hep A and B series, tetanus, typhoid, yellow fever and diptheria.

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