Thursday, March 02, 2006

March came in like a lamb was so warm and sunny. I love the smell of spring, when the snow disappears and the earth starts to thaw and warm up. As you walk down the street , the melting snow has turned into rivelets of water that race beside the curbs. As a kid we always made tiny paper boats to race in these mini-rivers and we would run beside as they made their way towards the nearest storm drain...a dark and lonely death for the little ships. We'd peek into the drains, trying to see what was down there and as an adult now, I don't think I'd dare peek into a storm drain...not after reading Stephens King's "It." I know what sort of things dwell down there!

Today would have been my mother's 72 birthday. I cannot picture my mom in her 70's. I can't imagine her having white hair and aches and pains. She was so vibrant, with her red hair and vividly patterned clothes, she would have loved the ladies in Tanzania and the wonderful coloured markets. My mother was "bright."

1 comment:

Californiamama said...

You brought back some great memories from my childhood. Well I remember similar times with my younger sister! We would concoct our vessels, using whatever was readily available, anything from paper to twigs, with leaf sails,whatever, if it would float, it was a boat! The imagination of a child is limitless.
I am fortunate my mother is still with us, though we live far apart, I know there will be a void that will never be filled when she is gone. Your mom sounds like a fabulous & "colorful" gal, literally and figuratively! From your description of her, I believe her "color" lives on in your personality :)