Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I think what I did wrong before, with uploading (or downloading, or whatever it is) was that I did one picture at a time, from Picassa, and each picture opened up a new window to my Blog, and maybe...umm..well, I don't really know, but maybe that had something to do with it. I think these 3 should all be there, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I just realized that with the ones that didn't turn up, the caption that said "Sam comes by to say goodnight with a snort and a huff" that you probably didn't realize that Sam was a horse! The have 3 horses who wandered around the place, and to my surprise ( and a little horror) I had no idea that horses could be so...ummm, how to delicate?, "gassy". Ok, what the hell, I now know that Horse Farts are something to be feared. I was quite pleased that Sam was leaving us for the comfort of his shed.

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