Thursday, June 19, 2008


This is the Stratophere, I'm not sure how high it is, but it is HIGH! For those of you who are a little insane and thrill-loving, you can take a ride that will almost fling you out over the city. At the top of the tower there are 2 rides that almost toss you over the edge. One is like a big claw, you sit in a "chair" and it whirls you out over the edge, feet dangling and eyes popping! The other is a roller coaster that comes to an abrupt halt, tipping you DOWN towards the don't see any track in front of you, it must be heart-stopping. It then sloooowly backs up and I assume the folks get off, legs like noodles. If you look at the picture of the tower (if you click on it, it enlarges a little) you just just see the roller coaster track on the left side, sticking up into the air. The ride "seems" to end there, and then it slowly tilts down towards the ground...

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