Saturday, October 11, 2008

I can't stop reading. It's like OCD in a way, like eating cashews...once I start, I can't stop. I have to have a book to read AT ALL TIMES, and a "spare". Right now I am on page 8 of a 674 page book, as well as having a spare, and I am still in a panic because the library is closed for the next 3 if I'll finish those in that time, and be "bookless." And besides, I have books here that I haven't read yet, plus magazines, BUT, they are all old ones that I picked up at book sales and they don't actually count.

*sigh* It's a huge worry. I mean, what if I break a leg and end up in the hospital for a week, and Steven has to get books for me? That would not be good.
~Wear the old coat and buy the new book.
~ Austin Phelps

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh Shannon, if you break a leg and Steve has to choose the books, just look on it as a furthering of your reading field. :)