Monday, August 10, 2009


We went for a ride in the bush the other evening, ostensibly to look for deer trails for the upcoming hunting season, however I like to just go to see what we can see. You know, like the bear who climbed over the mountain. "Just to see what he could see."
Driving along a road that was not more than a slight indentation in the long grass, we came to this leftover bit of a house. Steven had been here before and said that there was a water-hole just up the hill, and he wanted to look for tracks. It nearly did me in to walk up this hill, I think it was almost 90 degrees straight up and it was so muggy out, but at the top there was this little green pond, and I instantly fell into "fantasy mode." I wondered who had lived here, and when, and if they climbed this hill to fill their bucket with water. They must have, we were nowhere near a river or lake. Who would live so far from water? The pond was tiny and smelled of sulphur and it was covered with algae, but it looked like the kind of place where wood sprites and faeries would frolic. Maybe the person who lived here was a witch?
I could imagine someone living here, a small smokey fire burning all the time and dried herbs and mushrooms hanging from the rafters. There would be a black pot over the fire and something would be bubbling in it all the time.
It was nice the way the sun shone through the trees and you couldn't see any path or trail at all. It was a very peaceful spot.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Californiamama said...

I love these pictures, especially of the pond...i clicked to enlarge it and took in all the details...delightful!