Sunday, May 08, 2011

Some of you loyal "Zanzibar" readers (OK, all six of you) may be wondering why I haven't posted much in the past while. Here's why: I have an acute case of laziness. I just don't have any creative energy right now. My mind feels like a pile of mush. So there's that, and a generally short attention span. Plus, I am having a love/hate relationship with Facebook

So I get a lot of crap from my husband about having a Facebook page (which, I might add, he's never even seen). He's too busy and too important to waste his time on such things. Well, good for him.

And I get another lot of crap from some of my friends who are convinced that I'm going to go to Identity Theft Hell because someone's going to steal my identity and all my money (well, they can have it all ... ) because I like to post pictures of my kids and dogs and house on my Facebook page. AND I like to shop online. Someone would like to be me? Have at it, I say. I love the social media. Except Twitter. I'm way too wordy for 140 characters.

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