Saturday, September 03, 2011

Sweet bird.

People always say you never see baby crows, and I always wondered why that was, because it's just never do see baby crows. But to my surprise, here is one right before my eyes. Double click on the picture to see his downy feathers, and his nervous eyes. He sat on that fence for close to an hour and a half, and I managed to get closer and closer. I'm thinking his crow-folks told him to wait while they were off looking for whatever it is that crows look for, old french fries and other bits of tasty refuse.

It made me think of "Sing a song of Sixpence, pocket full of rye...4 & 20 blackbirds baked in a pie." Lately I've picked blueberries and made a pie, picked rosehips and made a loaf, I wonder how long it would take me to gather up 23 more blackbirds?

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