Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A little rant.

I was reading some “Rants and Raves” and “Hugs and Slugs” stuff today, and quite a few folks who posted something in the “Rant” and “Slug” sections were lambasted with “Ohh....First World Problem” replies.

That annoys me to no end. So here is MY rant about that, and I’m posting it here as opposed to one of the public sites because I’m a bit of a hypocrite and I don’t want to be yelled at by strangers.

When someone has, what to them, is a legitimate complaint, don’t be a condescending asshole and tell them they have “first world problems”. Don’t take the phony moral high ground and pretend that you only ever worry about starving children and global warming. Don’t patronize those who live outside the “first world”.

For you to decide that someone doesn’t have the right to complain about their own frustrations makes you a pretentious dickweed. End of story.

It’s different when you joke about your own self, as a matter of fact I’m having a hard time typing this right now because ”I have a sliver in my finger from my chopsticks because I ate too much sushi”....first world problems. But don’t you tell me that my disappointments aren’t valid. You have no idea what causes I support, or what problems I have in my life that might have led to an outburst of annoyance. I know that I live a fortunate life, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t ever complain.

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