Sunday, July 28, 2019

๐ŸŽถ Walkin’, yes indeed I’m walking...๐ŸŽถ

We went for a ride in the forest this afternoon, and I was on a flower ๐ŸŒบ photo mission. When I was a kid I used to read Enid Blyton books, and they were all about fairies, gnomes, elves and other magical woodland creatures. The fairies always wore dresses made of flower petals and hats made of bluebells. Well, I assumed they were bluebells....they were blue and bell shaped, so why not? I recently learned that these are actually called “hare-bells” and bluebells are entirely different.

That discouraged me so much. It also made me realize that I tend to make things up. I hear or read a description of something and then when I see something that looks like what I saw in my mind, I just decide that’s what it is. If that makes sense....(ie) I saw a blue, bell-shaped flower and thus it’s a “bluebell’. Botany be damned.

So be aware that these beautiful flowers may or may not be whatI think they are. I believe that this is a “purple globe”, and if not, well, it should be.

I think this is a type of orchid. I’ve actually never seen one of these before, but this year this is a lot of them in the open fields.

And this little beauty is an aster, that I know for sure.

 And these, I’m not sure, but isn’t it interesting that all the flowers out right now are purple?

As well, the fields are full of foxtail barley, which I have always called cattails. They look so soft and gloomy, bu they are surprisingly sharp and evil if you walk through the field and crouch over to get a good picture.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

I just saw this post Shannon. Interesting your comment about all the flowers being purple. Maybe they are the female flowers and the drab looking males come along later.. Pauline