Here I am, getting back to normal.I have been home a few weeks now and while I had no trouble with jet lag after the first day, all of a sudden now, 3 weeks later, I am exhausted. So much so, that I checked out the symptoms for all the odd diseases I may have contracted, like malaria, Rift Valley Fever and Sleeping Sickness. oddly enough, a symptom of sleeping sickness isn't tiredness,(plus, I don't think I saw a tse-tse fly anywhere) so I have come to the conclusion that I simply need more sleep. You know the old saying, if you hear hoofbeats, it just might be a horse. Or something like was a good saying and I can never get it quite right. It might have something to do with zebras.
1 comment:
Welcome back! Jet lag can be a bitch, don't know if its so much "lag" per mile or what, but even trips to and from the east coast would take me 3 - 4 days to recover from, so if you do the math(???) Tried Melatonin? Don't even know if you can get in Canada, but its sold off the shelf here (as a supplement),works wonders, and is non addictive. Replaces the natural melatonin we lose as we get "older" as well. It is non addictive, and highly recommended for "the lag". Works for me!
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