Friday, August 11, 2006

Finally we have had some rain. And thunder and lightening. And hail and wind. Last night there was a massive storm, with a clap of thunder that rolled on for so long that the plates on the wall actually vibrated. I woke up to find Gypsy staring into eyes, pretending to not be fearful of the noise, but she snuggled down between us without even being invited!

It is cool and overcast today, so I can spend some time in the house and perhaps get rid of the accumulation of dust. It has just been too hot up until now to spend more than a minute inside.

1 comment:

Californiamama said...

Sure could use some of that down here in hot, sunny Cali!!! Well the rain leastways, we'll forgo the thunder and lightening, all we need is more fires! Enjoy my friend, I am envious! I do so miss the rain.