Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Crocuses...croci?

It's a funny world. When I used to walk Sasha up in the bush, oh , about 12 years ago, I noticed that the little fuzzy purple crocuses would appear in full bloom simply overnight. You never saw little green stems and then small buds. There was nothing and then there were flowers. It was like the Crocus Gods came down overnight and just stuck them in the dry weeds. They always appeared on the Easter weekend. It became my own little tradition to go out on the long Easter weekend and find them. (Yes I know, it takes very little to amuse me. Never mind) Anyhow, this year was so cold and bitter and there is still snow in places where we walk, so I wasn't really expecting anything and on Saturday and Sunday I saw not a hint of purple. Today however, Easter Monday, off we went and sure enough...fuzzy little purple flowers were everywhere, just popping right up out of the dry, dead grass. Nature is pretty amazing!
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