Tuesday, May 27, 2008

After I was finished drooling over the food at Le Grande Epicerie, i meandered over to St. Germaine-de-pres, which is the oldest churchin Paris. parts of it date back to the 11th century. I was lucky enough to be there as the sun was coming through a stained glass window, and I took this interesting shot.

It was a dark and gloomy church, the years of soot and the exhalation of millions of breaths left a cold sort of feeling inside. I can't say I was comfortable in there, so I went outside and purchased 4 small water colours from a street artist. He was a short and fat fellow, and rather grubby as well, but funny and amiable. Two pictures were his and the other two (much more professional) were by his (apparently) recently deceased brother. ("dis, me" as he pointed to 2, and "deese, mon frere" as he pointed to some others) Then he added: "Mon frere, phtttt...tombe" and he gave a thumbs down. He packaged them up nicely for me, and off I went. I'll post pictures of them a little later.
On my way home I figured I 'd take this picture showing how the French abide by rules. Not only does the sign say "No parking", they flaunt their park job by doing it right in the middle of the sidewalk, driving over the yellow line to do so. You gotta love it.
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