Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Napolean's Tomb Part 2

I waited on the front steps, along with one other tourist, both of us feeling smug as we were actually first in line. There was a man furiously sweeping the steps, making sure to not make eye contact with us. As 10 AM loomed closer, the other tourist and myself walked up to the large glass doors and peered inside. The sweeping man hastily rushed in front of us and and shouted: "Dix heures, dix heures!" and flashed all 10 fingers at us. We nodded and he then continued to sweep the steps and vanished around the corner. At 10 there were about 8 of us standing there, and at 10:10 there were about 15 of us, and still no sign of a ticket taker, although we could see a ticket booth just inside the door, with a woman sitting there, staring vacantly into space. A few minutes later a group of school children came rushing past us and entered the building. We all looked at each, shrugged in that Gallic way and went inside, only to be greeting by the "sweeping man" who is now wearing a uniform and solomnly asks us for a ticket. We point at the booth where the lady is a little more animated and she looks at us curiously and says: "No tickets here." The sweeping man/guard points outside and says: "Tickets to the right.., a la droit...go buy." *sheesh*. Off we go around the corner and purchase the tickets.
Inside, the first thing you see is the huge circular dome (a rotunda I guess) and below you can look down and see Napoleon's actual tomb. I think it is 3 or 4 coffins inside each other, like the Russian stacking dolls. One is lead and one is oak and I'm not sure about the others. It was actually a pretty impressive sight.

They also have his greatcoat and the famous hat he always seems to be wearing in paintings. I was sort of expecting to see the arm of the coat tucked in over his stomach, although I know that is a bit of a cliche.
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