Monday, November 24, 2008

Been through the desert....

As I was walking through the woods I came across this "deer with no tail", which of course brings to mind the old song: "Been through the desert on a horse with no mane." (Oh all right, I know the words are really "a horse with no NAME, but that wasn't as funny.)
Anyhow, this poor girl has no tail and Steven said that it was probably bitten off by coyotes, which isn't funny, but yet I can't help but envision a Wiley Coyote type leaping after this deer and ending up sputtering with nothing but a mouthful of deer hair as the deer leaps gracefully off into the distance. Sadly though, the coyotes try to "hamstring" the deer by tearing at their haunches and slowing them down. This girl was lucky to get away, and she seems to have healed up quite well, there was no blood and while she seemed a little too docile and let us get closer than she should have, she eventually took off like a shot and didn't seem to have any sort of limp.
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