Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Probably not a good idea....

So I was wandering through Wal-Mart yesterday, in the baby section. I have a new niece and I was looking for something cute to purchase and I came across the onesie's. They are the handiest things...instead of little undershirts creeping up and getting all tangled, they stay nice and smooth and crinkle free; they're cool and comfy, and it made me wonder why they don't make onesies for adults? No underwear "ride-up", no panty-line, how unfair that they only come in miniscule sizes.

Mind you, when a baby wears one, people grab their thighs and say: "oh...look at those precious thighs, all chubby and sweet...look at her little arms and all those extra folds, why she even has them on her wrists...and could anything be more adorable than those double chins?"

I wonder if my friends would say that if I opened the front door wearing a onesie?

~I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.
~Gilda radner.

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