Thursday, September 24, 2009

These are our empty Christmas Child boxes. We picked 2 up at the hockey game last night, and what a good idea that was! They had volunteers at every exit, with boxes of these boxes and a pamphlet on how to properly fill it. No one wanted to walk by and not take one, so I imagine they gave away 2,400 (that was the attendance of the game last night) If only as few as 10% of the people return their box, well, that's 240 kids that will have a brighter Christmas. I looked up their website and watched the little video, which of course tugs at your heartstrings, but it seems like Samaritans Purse is one of the better Christmas box companies. It does have a bit of a religious bend to it, but they also mention that some areas where they send the boxes do NOT want any religious training or teaching, and that is respected. We will each fill up a box for a Boy 10-14. Everyone seems to want to do a box for a little girl, and from what I have heard and read, the pre-teen boys have the least amount of boxes sent to them. I'll post a picture of the filled box when it is done. Meanwhile, I suggest that you check out the site: and consider filling up a box of your own. It's the least that any of us can do, and I feel like $25 or $30 is such a little amount. I spend that once a month on a pizza, and some of these kids have NEVER had a gift.
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