Tuesday, September 15, 2009


About 10 days ago I spotted this odd creature outside the front door and when I touched it, it seemed really squishy. I didn't want to pick it up in case I actually squished it, so Steven tossed it into a grassy area. A few days after that, he (Steven) was outside and called me to: "See who's back." Sure enough, it was this guy. Or a lookalike. So he once again took him behind the house to a grassy area. Now today I came home and here he (she?) was, yet again, in the same spot on the front step. I poked him gently with my finger and he (she?) still seemed fragile and squishy so I just decided to take a picture. When I put the camera close, it reared up on it's tiny little legs and waved some of it's front feet at me. Funny little thing. I should have put my finger beside it, it was easily the size of my index finger. PS. I just found out that this is a Tiger Swallowtail.

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1 comment:

Californiamama said...

You should "tag" it somehow, put it back in the weeks again, and see if the same one keeps reappearing...because THAT would be amazing!!!