Monday, March 01, 2010

What next?

I really don't agree with messing around with Mother Nature...I mean, things have rolled along just fine for millenia without us screwing up genetic lineage and no good can come of this...but honestly, have you ever seen anything cuter than these mini-pigs? They grow no larger than a tea-cup. Sadly, they are being snapped up by the likes of Posh Beckham and Paris Hilton, as "accessories". Although, I have to admit, if I had a spare few thousand dollars, I just might be awfully tempted....

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Kayleen said...

I agree, Shannon. Here in Australia there is a town called St Helen's where an unusually high percentage of the population are being diagnosed with cancer. Many of them with very rare cancers. There is a strong link, scientifically proven, that links the genetically modified eucalyptus plantations with the pollutants in the town water supply. My brother is one of the surviving cancer patients of this town.

Genetic Modification should be banned until we know more about it.

Anonymous said...

Talk about a contradiction. I'm sorry but I don't agree with you on this one Shannon. Mini-pigs are not "cute". They are doomed. Posh Beckham & Paris Hilton should be but unfortunately aren't.

Shannon said...

I agree that Posh and Paris should be 'doomed" (that was FUNNY!) but I still think that pigs are cute. Not getting into the whole genetic modification thing, I just simply think the pigs are cute.