Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Florence, Oregon. I had no idea there were so many other "Florences", and they didn't include the one in Italy. Florence was our "home base" for a couple of days, and the weather was particularly sunny and warm.

We wanted to eat as much seafood as we could while on this trip, you can't get much fresher than "caught a few hours ago", so we made sure we tried "Mo's", which is apparently quite famous for its clam chowder. The restaurant is right on the water, and I do mean on the water. The clam chowder was delectable, and we also had three seafood sliders, a tuna, a crab and a shrimp. Mmmm, so tasty.

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1 comment:

californiamama said...

My Gawd! You, little you, ate ALL that! LOL

(it looks amazing!)