Monday, April 22, 2013

Just a test.

I've been trying to figure out how to post the pictures from my ipad to this blog. I think I may have found an app for that. There really is an app for everything. But we will see.....

Up until now I could write my regular blog from the ipad, but I couldn't add any pictures. The other alternative was to start a whole new blog that was compatible with the ipad, and that seemed like a pain and too much work.

This may be the answer...let me try and add a photo....hang on...

Hmmm, I'm seeing the picture I chose, but it's about the size of my pinky fingernail. At least it let me access my pictures, lets see what happens when I hit the "publish" button.

The picture is Shane's dog, Sava, who is smiling with joy at her new toy set- up.

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