I know that some of you who read my blog live in areas where there is no snow, so I thought you might be interested in seeing how the trees start to "turn". The weather gets colder every night and the trees start to turn at the top and then as the cold weather gets lower the bottom parts will turn yellow as well. I always like the way they look at this time of year, half gold and half green. These trees are across the street from me, my neighbours planted them about 20 years ago.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Steven was out hunting turkey this year, and nary a turkey could be found. Then deer season started and as he was driving down the highway, a huge tom flew right into the side of his truck, breaking the side-mirror. The turkey bounced off the window and landed in a ditch. Steven hopped out and gathered the feathers, thus resulting in Gypsy's Thanksgiving photo!! Does she not look thrilled to pieces??? I know it's not Thanksgiving just yet, but this picture just cracks me up and I needed to share.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A pretty little church across from my hotel in Banff. As you may (or may not!) know, I went to Banff for 2 days to visit a friend from Australia who was passing through. I always forget how beautiful it is in Banff, very European in many ways.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I keep meaning to post this. You can see how one plant is flourishing quite nicely, loaded with little white flowers. The other behind it is the same type of plant, it WAS the same size and they were planted on the same day, but the deer insist on nibbling away at the one and totally ignoring the other. Crazy hey?
Sound asleep in the sun. I call her my "little pig-dog", she has the bare little pink belly of a piglet. I swear, I'll be the most annoying Grandmother ever, I can hardly contain my joy at this dog....
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Queen of the Driveway.....she will sit like this for hours, as long as she is in a vehicle she is happy.
Gypsy in her raincoat.
Whoooo-hoooo! I JUST finally figured out how to resize my photos so that they upload quickly. It has always taken this computer 15 minutes or so (seriously) to upload ONE picture. I'd hit the button, then go upstairs and go to the bathroom, put the kettle on, check out the TV etc. etc. Then a kindly soul explained about pixels and sizes and things, and now it takes like seconds...now I'll be posting pictures as rapidly as the rest of you!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Every day I come home and it's worse and worse....
Here is the new tile, finally! It's not quite done yet, they still need to do some caulking around the tub (caulking...that's how this whole thing started!)
But it looks great and I LOVE it!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Did I mention that a week or 2 ago Steven decided to re-caulk the bathtub? Not a big deal, he does it every year or so. This time, however, he got carried away and tore down the wallpaper border and thus had to repaint the entire bathroom. It did need it though, and it then enabled me to go out and purchase new towels, a few new pictures and new doo-dads (toothbrush and soap holder etc.) I even found a bunch of Alfred Sung things on sale, so it was all fun. I hate the mess of that sort of thing though and I was SO happy when it was all done.
So today I came home from work to find this: (scroll down) Apparently we are getting new tile and tub-surround this week. ***sigh***