Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Steven was out hunting turkey this year, and nary a turkey could be found. Then deer season started and as he was driving down the highway, a huge tom flew right into the side of his truck, breaking the side-mirror. The turkey bounced off the window and landed in a ditch. Steven hopped out and gathered the feathers, thus resulting in Gypsy's Thanksgiving photo!! Does she not look thrilled to pieces??? I know it's not Thanksgiving just yet, but this picture just cracks me up and I needed to share. Posted by Picasa


Californiamama said...

She looks disgusted with the whole thing, but this is absolutely hysterical! Hope you are sending to Shane, I am printing one out for Corey, he will crack up!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical is an understatement!!

This is gorgeous Shannon.