Wednesday, August 08, 2007

No news.

It's been awhile since I have posted anything, but then again, it's been awhile since I have had any news. No surgeries, no kids coming or going, no dog adventures. Just to let you all know that I am alive and well I decided to show you my sunflowers. I don't really know why I plant them because I actually find them very creepy. Their neck (ok, I know it's really a stem) is way too thick, almost humanoid, and the fact that their big faces turn and follow the sun is also way too human-ish. Alien-ish. I stare at that big neck (ok, ok, stem) and I fully expect to see it pulsing with some sort of life-blood. I wonder if I cut that big yellow head off, if I would hear a scream?Or would it whip around in my hand and try to get away? Would "sap" spurt out? Perhaps I have read one too many Ray Bradbury novels....I think I'll lock the sundeck door tonight...

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1 comment:

Californiamama said...

I LOVE your sunflowers!

Although I myself planted smaller varieties this year, I'll have to take some pictures and post, they are much less imposing and non-threatening(ha).