Thursday, August 23, 2007


While in Spokane we decided to treat ourselves and stay at the Davenport Hotel. It's a pretty amazing and historical place. (it's also one of the top ranked hotels in the America's. Built in early 1900's, closed and set to be demolished in the early 2000's, it was purchased by a couple in 2002 (or so) and they spent 38 MILLION dollars in renovations. It's like the Palace of Versailles now, full of glitz and glitter and glamour. This is one of the ballrooms (I think there are 4)

All the hallways have these phenomenal plaster and wooden arches, hand crafted and hand painted, they were all covered with years and years of soot and dirt, and everyone was amazed at the brilliance that remained underneath.
This is another one of the ballrooms that can be rented out for wedding and other affairs.
A close up of the arches in the hallsways. All the picture frames (of which there are MANY) are 22 carat gold...the restorers spared no expense is the renovations. Craftsmen were brought in from all over the world, from Russia to Italy.
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