Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Steamplant Secrets

This really isn't a secret, although I don't know anyone who has eaten here, but we have dinner here quite often when we are in Spokane. It's called "The Steamplant" and it is exactly that, an old steamplant that originally opened in 1920 or thereabouts, closed in the late 80's and then was re-opened as a most amazing restaurant in the late 90's. You can still see all the "workings" and the tables and various rooms you can rent for parties and meetings are scattered amongst old pipes and metal stairways. It's a fun place to eat, good food and marvellous desserts.

The old brick steam pipes are in immaculate condition, over 300,000 bricks per pipe. The picture below is inside one of them, looking up.
I had a bowl of beer/cheese soup, garnished with popcorn (of all things) It was good enough that I wanted to lick the bowl, however I restrained myself and tried to behave with some decorum.
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