Saturday, February 06, 2010

Did you ever say something so perfectly in your head, but then when it came to saying it out loud it came out a jumbled confusing stuttering mess and you just sounded like a complete jerk?

I hate it when that happens.

1 comment:

J.C. said...

Sadly Shannon, that happens to me way more often than I would like to think. I was introduced to a Supreme Court Judge one time and I was totally calm, unefected and relaxed...until I tried to speak. He extended his hand to shake mine and I said something to the effect of."blckostosssshlackmeefshlp." I kept smiling, hoping he might mistake what I had said for real words. He kept smiling looking a bit puzzled thinking, I suppose that he had misheard me. Had I left it at that I would have been okay. But,no, no...could I possibly leave well enough alone? Not a chance. I continued on with more of the same language, still smiling, I went on, "crlaspaskwuaydshtope". Somehow I manage to get the words out,"Pleased to meet you, hope you have a great stay in town. Then I left. To this day I have absolutely no idea where any of that came from because I really wasn't nervous at all. It would appear that perhaps I was just a bone head.