Thursday, February 03, 2011

Something new

I have always wondered what a dragonfruit was like, so I finally broke down and bought one yesterday. That makes it sound like it was a massive, huge amount of money; I "broke down and bought one", but it was $2.47, which is sort of a lot of money for one piece of fruit.

To me it looks like something Spielberg-ish, or James Cameron-ish, a "thing" that someone finds, and it eventually either comes to life and burrows it's way into your innards, or you have to help it find its way back to the depths of the ocean.

In either case, I decided that it would be better off if I sliced it open and ate it. So, after a bit of Google-ing, I sliced it in half and scooped out the insides. I guess it's like a cross between a kiwi and a very bland strawberry...sort of crunchy (the seeds) and pulpy. Not a lot of flavour, I think it would be especially nice diced up and added to a fruit salad.

If nothing else, it certainly is beautiful.

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