Thursday, August 18, 2011

We are slowly working our way up the Coast, towards home. I always hate that feeling of returning home after a holiday, Post Holiday Blues. But...we still had a few fun days left to go. We drove to Tillamook, which is pronounced Tilla-muck and went to the cheese factory. Mmmmmm...cheese...Whenever we are in the States we buy Tillamook cheese, you can't get it in Canada as far as I know,I've never seen it for sale. It's so inexpensive, and SO good. This was actually one of the things we were really looking forward to.

The factory was amazing, it's a self guided tour so you can take your time, and the best part is when you first come in, there is a buffet of cheeses! yes, an actual buffet with many, many delectable types of cheese. The buffet line ends up (where else?) but in the gift shop where everyone was greedily grabbing the many varieties of cheese, some which aren't sold in stores anywhere. (Hmmm...just like all those late night TV commercials) We bought a few 4-packs of flavoured cheeses which contained a garlic white cheddar, a smoked black pepper white cheddar, a garlic chili pepper cheddar and a smoked medium cheddar. Each was was simply delicious, the garlic chili pepper was my personal favorite, really spicy with a garlic tang. The whole pack was only $18.00. At home, one of the packs would be about $7.99.

And if that wasn't enough gastronomic joy, they also make ice-cream there too, and there were samples of that as well, so we had cheese and more cheese, and the ice cream as well. All for free. Oh Tillamook, how I love thee.

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