If a Hindu accidentally kills a cow, it is the worst thing that can ever happen to him. The. Worst. He will never get over it, and there are all sorts of ceremonies and whatnot that he must perform in order to help clear his soul. It is literally worse for them than killing another human being.
Why, you ask? "To the Hindu, the cow represents all other creatures. Hindus believe that all living creatures are sacred—mammals, fishes, birds. The cow is more, a symbol of the Earth. It always gives and feeds, representing life and the support of life."
So, whatever. It's a nice idea actually. But it's a bit extreme. The cows are everywhere. In every town, city and village. They do indeed stop traffic and make a nuisance of themselves. They're not overly healthy and they shit all over. Although, the dung is dried and used as fuel, so that's a plus. They're not aggressive, so that's a plus too. Everyone takes care of them, which isn't really a plus because there are starving people all over, yet cows are tended to and fed before many people are. I don't get that.
The thing is, the cows eat garbage, drink heavily polluted water, don't really have a home and are filled with parasites. They can't possibly be enjoying their lives. We need a "Vets Without Borders" to come and castrate them and thus bring an end to the filth and the misery.
Granted, some cows are healthy and fine, but too many are not. Here is some cow pictures to let you see what it's like.
Hanging out on a Ledge cow.
1 comment:
They really are everywhere.
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