Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stuff. Boy, I have been thinking about "stuff" lately. So much so that I even found George Carlin's "Stuff" routine on U-tube and watched it (OMG, he is as funny as ever...)
My friends Nicole, Chad and Abigail are moving to Africa for a year (OK, don't let me get started on that subject...the green eyed monster rears her head a little bit)
Anyhow, they have to rid themselves of lots of stuff, and I have been looking at my life and thinking that I should do the same. Not because I am moving to Africa (or anywhere else for that matter) but I have just SO MUCH STUFF. But, you know, really, when is stuff "junk" and when is stuff "really good stuff"? Take these books for example. They are old, and not in good enough shape to be worth anything, and it would be silly to take them anywhere (like Africa) but I could never get rid of them, they have been in my life for as long as I can remember. I mean that quite literally.Some of them (Dotty Dimples Flyaway) were my grandmothers when she was a little girl. Some of the others were bought by my mom before she was married. They have that old book smell that only a booklover will appreciate and the flyleafs are beautiful art in themselves...swirls of colour on linen paper. The books are bound in embossed leather and some are handstitched and dated in the 1800's. Junk? Yeah, they are. But to me? As the commercial says, priceless.
I admire my friends so much for being able to clean out their lives and start this great adventure, but you know what? I'm sure glad I have grown kids because if I ever decide to move away for a period of time, I'm afraid that they will inheirit all my "stuff."

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1 comment:

The Grimm said...

Don't let your stuff tie you down. Place it in an airtight container (like Tupperware with the patented 'burp') and come to Africa with us for a year! Seriously...Love Nicole, Chad, and Abby