Wednesday, June 10, 2009

After the Duck Tour we decided to wander through the town centre. I had a plethora of coupons that I had recieved the prior day during a seminar on Shore Exursions. Now, a word about this "seminar". It was highly touted in the Freestyle Times as something you must send at least one family member too, it would give us fantastic hints and tips on making the disembarkation process easier, and tell us how and where to find the best bargains. I amost felt like I'd be locked up in the brig if I didn't make an appearance. All 4 of us went. OK. I should have known. It was nothing but a marketing ploy to try and send us to the jewellery stores that (obviously) got a kickback for sending us to their stores. The only good thing was all the coupons that we recieved. There were discount coupons at a select few of the jewellery stores, and you could redeem them for a free sapphire and garnet. The stones are genuine, but obviously of a low industrial grade (I mean seriously, are they going to give away thousands and thousands of free gemstones? Of course not) However, as we wandered, I kept an eye out for the stores and redeemed a couple of them. The stones are in a nice little jewellers envalope with the weight and type (no price however.) Outside one store, I was asking Steven what time we had to be back on the ship and I hear a voice saying: "12:30 PM" I looked up to see Wendy & Bud there...what are the chances? We made arrangements once again to meet for dinner.
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