Wednesday, June 10, 2009

During the Duck Tour, our guide kept blowing a small duck call. It was shaped like one of the yellow rubber duckies that you see, and it was on a nice neck cord (like a shoelace) that said "Ketchikan Duck Tour" all over it. I thought it would be a cute giftie for our neighbour's children. We have a family behind us that has 3 small kids (4 and under) and his sister lives on the other side of us with 3 small kids (these ones are 3 and under) We all watch each others houses etc when any of us are away. I figured it was a safe toy and all kids like a noisy toy. It made me chuckle with evil glee to give the families SIX noise makers...until this morning when I think I heard all 6 "quacking" outside at some ungodly early hour.

Lesson to be learned: Don't buy the neighbours kids noisy toys. Only buy them for far away loved ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats hilarious Shannon!! haha

i will be sure to ask Carm all about it! :)