Monday, January 25, 2010


Have Brad and Angie split? The answer seems to be "probably not", but "maybe". The question is, "Why do I care?" Seriously, really, WHY do I care? I don't know, but in a strange, and unusual for me way, I do.

I'm not a massive Brad Fan, I think I've only seen the "Oceans" movies and "A River Runs Through It"...never seen "Fight Club", "7 years in Tibet" or most of his other movies. Of hers, I've seen (and loved) the Lara Croft what gives here? Why am I spending my morning frantically Googling all variations of their names, looking for news?

Perhaps it's a fascination with their globetrotting lives and their knack for naming children. Their generosity in helping less fortunate? Their looks? Maybe just seeing how The Other Half lives and what they have traded for Fame & Fortune. I don't know, I just know that I feel an odd sort of sadness. Not so much for them (because I am a bit selfish) but for me. And I never liked Jennifer Anniston either, so I am annoyed that she is probably thrilled with the whole thing.
Let's just hope it's all false and that there will soon be new Jolie-Pitt babies with "Z's" and "X''s" in their names.

1 comment:

J.C. said...

This is a fabulous blog page Shannon! I saw it on Coral's page and woudl love to add it to mine as a link if that's okay. I am new to this blogging stuff and have much to learn. Love the pictures of the dogs. Cool.