Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oregon Day 2

We packed up and left Boardman at 9:15AM. It was a bit cloudy and there was a slight drizzle, off and on. A good day for travelling. I noticed two things about Oregon right off the bat:

One: I don't know what kind of trees lined the road, but the air smelled like white lilac, it was so lovely to have the window down and smell that air. I just kept breathing deeply, it must be how a dog feels when it's head it hanging out the window, but I refrained from letting my tongue flap in the wind.

Two: In Oregon it's illegal to pump your own gas...what a treat! It's been a long time since you can get gas pumped for you in BC.

We travelled down the freeway, parallel to the Columbia River, the river is the border between Washington and Oregon, and there is a highway on either side. Both sides seemed equally scenic, but of course the other side looked "more so". The old "grass is greener" syndrome.

We were making good time, and the drive was enjoyable, no traffic to speak of, so instead of stopping halfway through the gorge to spend the night, we decided to drive straight through to Lincoln City, which is about 1/3 down the Oregon Coast.

We took a "scenic detour", leaving the Gorge (which runs west to east through Oregon) and dropped down south to the Mt Hood area. It is wine country, and there were wineries scattered all over, with beautiful vineyards. Then the road rose, higher and higher, winding through mountain passes until we were in the snow belt. And there was a LOT of snow. It was odd, seeing vineyards and spectacular rhododendrons everywhere, to driving through snow, in a matter of 20 minutes.

We eventually pulled into Lincoln City around dinner time, and found the RV Park that I had seen on-line, found it with no trouble, which is a bit unusual for us. We set up our little home and went for a walk, and some dinner.

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