Friday, June 24, 2011

Oregon. Still at the lighthouse.

Tide Pools! I was so happy that the tide was low whilst we were at the lighthouse. (note my use of the word "whilst", I'm not quite sure if I've used it in the correct grammatical way, but my friend Kayleen uses it often and it always sounds so elegant. I wanted to attempt it.)
I was thrilled to scramble down and explore the pools before the tides came rushing back in. To my delight I found some colourful starfish and some sea anenomes. The anenomes are a bit creepy really, because if you put your finger in the middle (and yes I did, I'm sure my gentle touch was no worse than whatever they actually eat) they close up on it and sort of suck. Icky, yet childishly fun.

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1 comment:

californiamama said...

Wonderful pictures! SO many of our family vacations, when we were raising the boys, were spent over on the Oregon coast. We have so many wonderful memories...there and in the San Juans and islands like Whidby...thanks for the reminders!