Sunday, June 26, 2011

There are an extraordinary amount of signs saying "Scenic Viewpoint 1/4 Mile" as you drive along. At first we stopped at every one, and at the end of an 8 hour day, we'd find ourselves only 20 or 30 miles down the road. Now, we were in no rush, and that was part of the enjoyment of this trip, coming and going as we pleased, no reservations, no itinerary, no plans, but still...we wanted to get to California before August. So, we decided to not stop at every one, but rather, to stop at the ones whose names intrigued us. Or, I should say, intrigued me, since I often go places and read books solely by the way their name makes me feel. The Synesthesia thing, where I see colour when I speak or read a word. Thus, these two places are Cape Perpetua (a deep and gloomy purple) and The Devils' Churn. (writhing shades of red and yellow) Both loaded with the infamous barking sea lions.

Notice in the top picture (remember to double click) the lonely one by himself on the rock on the upper right. I wonder if he was misbehaving, eating too many fish? Picking on his brothers and sisters? Perhaps he was grounded and is having a sea-lion version of a Time-Out.

So we stopped and started for the better part of the day, and eventually pulled into The Jessie Honeyman State Park where we sat around our little fire and got thoroughly (Ha! Did you think I was going to say 'sloshed'?) No, thoroughly smokey smelling. But I do love a fire.

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