Saturday, January 19, 2013

I must have been in a bad mood this day

(I just found this in my Draft folder, boy oh boy I'm slowly turning into "that" old lady...)

I was in the library today and on the new book bookshelf  I saw a copy of "50 Shades of Gray".
I knew from the getgo that I would hate this book and that is precisely why I've avoided it.

I didn't even want to pick it up. Anything that's is cutely called "mommy porn" pretty much makes my skin crawl. The whole "50 Shades phenomena" and all resulting jokes and cartoons just bug me, bug me to pieces!

And then, I wondered why so many things bug me. Things like Starbucks and their baristas (pfffft.....baristas,  even just saying that bugs me) Things like people who follow trends and think they are "walking to the beat of their own drummer" and also people who use that expression, they bug me too. And people who always agree with you, faaaak, that really bugs me. I mean, agree with me if you actually agree with me, but don't pretend. You think it isn't obvious?

Oh, lets see, what else? Those mothers you see downtown who have a misbehaving kid and they say, in that syrupy voice: "Now Cossette, we don't do that...we use our (insert latest fad-word) "inside voice" "gentle hands" "no touch eyes" whatever the word du jour is. Really moms? Why don't you just tell your kid "no" Even "No, that's not ours, don't touch" or "Shhhhh....don't yell inside."  The kid never listens anyhow.

There is nothing wrong with simply saying "no". You know damn well you say it at home. So stop being so smug in public. Dare I say it? Just discipline your kid and be done with it.

I stood there, in the library, thinking of things that bug me.

The SPCA commercials bug the living shit out of me, and then ruin the rest of my day.

Men that aren't wearing a jacket but have a scarf artfully tossed around their neck. Oh just stop it. Do you to know how stupid you look? You look as bad as those idiot kids with their jeans hanging down to their knees, none of you are "marching to your drummer", you're lemmings. Douchy lemmings I might add.

People that park crooked, you know, the ones who pull into a spot on an angle and take up two spots so that you won't door-ding their vehicle? I seriously want to ram into their vehicle. Or at least kick it on my way by.

Little kids that won't say hello when you see them on the street. That bugs me, but in a sad way.

Politicians.  My blood is boiling before I even finish typing that word.

So by now I've worked myself into quite a rage, and the sight of the "50 Shades" book is making me want to have a tantrum. so I leave the library with a crappy James Patterson book, which bugs me, although at least it wasn't Danielle Steele.

I probably should have found myself a Dr. Phil self help book because there is obviously something wrong with me.

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