Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I was always told by my folks that you should learn something new every day...you know, keep the old gray cells (or is it grey cells? That will be my new thing to learn tomorrow) sharp.

I keep meaning to try and post my newfound bit of knowledge here, to share it with you and then we can ALL learn something new together. And what fun that would be. Are you dazzled with my brilliance?

But alas, I keep forgetting and all this knowledge is piling up inside and giving me a bit of a headache, so I will tell you what I leanred today.

I learned that when you are mixing up a big bowl of banana cream pudding and you want to reach over to the table to grab your book to read for a moment because you have to whip the pudding for 4 minutes, which is really quite an eternity when you having nothing to look at but the clock (you know, a watched pot and all that) you should really put the mixer down for a moment instead of stretching, because sometimes the bowl will shimmy over the the edge of the counter and straight onto the floor. Banana pudding makes a big and sticky mess. Perhaps I could scoop it into baggies and hand it out to the Trick-or-Treaters?

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