Friday, May 25, 2007


We have doors! The poor door installer had to put them in yesterday during rain, hail, wind and SNOW! Yes, we had little bits of snow at our house yesterday...sleet, actually. But today is sunny and supposed to go to 18 or so. Such are the trials of a door installer.

But back to the doors! I spent a wonderous 15 minutes playing with all the electronic thingies...from the keypad outside to open them, to the door opener gadget that goes on my sunvisor, to the funny switches on the inside to open it if you are trapped, to breaking the electric beam that stops the door from squishing me if I forget to move away from a downcoming door.

The windows for the doors come later, they weren't available just yet. Who knew that you just "pop" whatever panels out that need windows and then you insert "window panels" how secure IS a door? Well, he said they don't really just "pop" out, you need some sort of special tool. Anyhow, in either case, we will have 3 nice little windows in each door sometime next week. And I think the siding comes today.
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1 comment:

Californiamama said...

Nice job on the garage! It looks huge, just how many rigs fit inside, are those two double doors as well as a center door?