Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The First Lake

This is the first of the 5 Alkalie lakes behind our house. The first 3 are really easy to walk to, the last 2 are more of a drive. I guess a person could walk to them, but that person wouldn't be me, and now that motorized vehicles are not allowed up there, it's not likely that I'll get up that way to take pictures. The second lake is quite large, I'll head up that way another day and take some photos. The 3rd lake is small and dries up very quickly, long before summer is over. None of them are "lakes" in the real sense of the word, they are more of an alkalie filled pond, but the deer enjoy them and so do the birds. Already they are filled with geese and ducks (mallards and buffleheads are 2 that I know) plus a few blue herons and the usual array of crows, robins, magpies (or camp robbers) sparrows, chick-a-dees and woodpeckers. It's nice to walk there on a sunny day and listen to the cacaphony. (I don't think I've ever used that word may be my new favorite, along with "discombobulated", which has long been one of my best words.) But, I dither and ramble and the oven is beeping so time to leave for now.
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