Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Part 5. In which I almost cry from too much heat.

Our room. When we first walked in, it was HUMID and oh so HOT and MUGGY, we flicked switches and turned things on and off, inserted our key into the various key openings, (the room lights work like many of the European type, where you insert your key into a slot and that allows the lights and air/heat to come on) This one had the slot, plus a switch, plus a tiny breaker-box, and we couldn't get anything to work. I was so sweaty that I was almost in tears, the thought of spending five days in this heat was just too much. I phoned the front desk, fearful that I would again encounter the Money Nazi, but the person who answered said they would send someone up right away.

Within a few minutes, there was a knock at the door and a chambermaid was standing there. She just reached around behind the door and flicked a tiny, nearly invisible switch, and *whoooosh*, out flowed cold, cold air. My tears dried right away, or they would have if I had been actually crying. (ahem)

The picture above is of the back grounds of the hotel, looking over the cliff to the ocean, as seen from our room, and the picture below is taken from that area, but now looking up to our room.

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