Sunday, May 13, 2007

I blog, therefore I am.

I blog...therefore I am...really, it's an odd sort of legacy in a way. I get e-mails from people that I don't know who read this, (although the past little while has been rather dry, I just have blank spots in my brain). But it made me think about what unusual times we live in, and how correspondence is not what it used to be.

Long, long ago my children, there was no internet and we had to use regular mail. Stamps were cheap, but the mail was slow. There was the telephone (attatched to the wall, none of this portable kind of thing) but it was pricey. No one made long distance calls just to chat, not even "the Joneses". Now we can talk to our friends on the other side of the world for free and we can see pictures the second they are taken. It's pretty amazing really.

Now we can leave our mark this way and you never know who will stumble on it accidentally, the input of a search word and the hit of a key and you might make a new friend who you would otherwise never know. What would Jane Austen and Mark Twain think? What would the apostles do? Would "the Good Word" be the same if it had a website? I wonder who would have sponsered it? Click on our sponser: "The Money Changers of Jerusalem" or "Sore feet? Travelling for the Census Count? Call Rent-a-Donkey NOW!!" It would be a whole different world I'm sure.

1 comment:

Californiamama said...

I don't think our children (let alone THEIR children) will ever fully comprehend the changes in our lifestyle the last 50 years! Let alone since our parents childhoods. So much,so fast! What are we racing towards, and running from?
Love your posts, your thinking process!